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Technical Solutions
Industrial smoke problems
Smoke emissions from cars in garages
The garage workers are exposed to polluting smoke during most of their working hours. The exposure concentrations can be reduced with a unique suction device that connects to the vehicle exhaust.
Smoke emissions from laser and flame cutting machines
Smoke problems generated by laser cutting, plasma and flame can be solved by a Cartridge filter with a Teflon membrane.
Smoking chimneys
A smoking chimney is very common in industrial manufacturing. The smoke usually consists of gas and particles. Therefore it requires several filtration steps.
Welding and soldering smoke problems
While welding, toxic gases are formed that contain heavy metals, particles, and other pollutants. In order to protect the worker, the smoke removal must be at the emission center.
18 Yosef Levi st. P.O. Box 10400 Haifa Bay 2611301
Phone +972-4-8411110
Fax +972-4-8411749
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